Deck Showcase: The Light Grey Tarot

photo-3The Light Grey Tarot, by the folks at Light Grey Art Lab, has been on my radar for a while. Some of the lovely people on my tarot blog roll are fans, and after several months of their Instagram pictures and blog reviews I decided it was time to acquire my own copy (well, two copies, so I can hoard one and play with the other).

This is exactly the sort of deck that usually piques my interest. I love independently produced decks, and this one is extra special because each card is interpreted by a different artist—all 78 of them. A huge variety of artistic styles are represented, from close variations on the Rider-Waite model to wildly divergent Modernist pieces. It’s all here, from the cutesy to the provocative, in just about any medium you could ask for from a tarot artist.

This deck would be ideal for someone with a background in the Rider-Waite system who was ready for some variety. Many of the images are conventional in terms of interpretation, but there’s enough deviation to keep things interesting. Also good for artists and art lovers. And, of course, this is a great addition for the discerning tarot collector. To my knowledge, this isn’t a limited print run, but I’ve found in the past that decks like this have a way of acquiring value over time. Never a bad thing!

photo-4 photo-4 copy

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2 thoughts on “Deck Showcase: The Light Grey Tarot

  1. Kristi Pereira

    I have this deck! The pictures are beautiful but unless you know it really well it’s sometimes hard to figure out what cards correspond with what. I find myself looking up the artists alot of the time trying to figure out what that card is supposed to be. But the images are beautiful.


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